BrushPile Fishing is an educational fishing show hosted by Russ Bailey. The show follows Russ to various lakes around the United States to meet with fellow Crappie anglers to learn about their lakes and their techniques.
My role in BrushPile Fishing was their social media and their web design.
The brand had accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, TikTok, and YouTube as well as its own website and mobile app on Android and iOS.
I started managing the brand in 2019. I created content and optimized posting for the brand between the different platforms.
The show went all-digital in its eighth season and I was a lead in the process in assisting viewers in finding the content online rather than on television.
I created the TikTok account for BrushPile Fishing as well as redesigned the BrushPile Fishing website through WordPress. The Facebook page I also created a community group to increase engagement and through reels grew the brand from 20k follows up to 47k follows. The BrushPile Fishing Facebook page has reached over 5M people (since 2021) and have had a few popular posts, such as the one below:
The TikTok account for BrushPile Fishing also had some viral moments, especially when using content with guests such as B’n’M Poles Pro Staff John Godwin, who is better known from his time on Duck Dynasty.
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